Ovarian Cyst

What are ovaries?

They are part of women reproductive system.They are two in number and produce eggs.

What is Ovarian Cyst?

Fluid filled sack is developed on one of the ovaries.Many women can have one or more cyst on one of their ovaries. Some are harmless and are disappeared within few months but to know whether any medication is required or not you should have routine pelvic exams.

What may Cause it?

They are caused due to menstruation cycles.

Ovarian Cyst

What are its Types?

  • Functional
  • Dermoid
  • Endometrioma
  • Cystadenoma
  • Polycystic Overian Disease(PCOS)

How to Find if you have one?

  • Irregular periods
  • Pain During Intercourse
  • Dull Ache
  • Cystadenoma
  • Bread Tenderness

How to Cure it?

  • Birth Control Pill - This stops ovulation and prevents development of new cysts.
  • Laparoscopy - Small incision is made near navel and by entering the instrument cyst is removed if it is small.
  • Laparotomy - If the cyst is bigger in size incision is made near abdomen and removed. But if they find that ovaries or uterus is cancerous then doctor may remove those parts as well.

How to Cure it?

  • Birth Control Pill - This stops ovulation and prevents development of new cysts.
  • Laparoscopy - Small incision is made near navel and by entering the instrument cyst is removed if it is small.
  • Laparotomy - If the cyst is bigger in size incision is made near abdomen and removed. But if they find that ovaries or uterus is cancerous then doctor may remove those parts as well.

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